If you want to learn a martial art that is truly a great self-defense sport, jiu-jitsu is a fantastic choice. It combines many different forms of martial arts and can boost your self-confidence. However, everyone has to start somewhere!
Everybody has a first day. All jiu-jitsu practitioners have that moment when their feet hit the mats for the first time. Some people have that moment when they are five, and some have it when they are 50. Some first-timers have a lot of confidence and eagerness on their first days, and other people set that first foot on the mats with a lot of worry and fear. Either way, there are some things that we wish we had known when we started jiu-jitsu.
In today’s blog, we want to share some of the insights that we would have liked to know when taking our first jiu-jitsu classes.
The beauty of jiu-jitsu is its accessibility. Many people are surprised by the age range they see on the mats. Making the most of your fitness and your life as a whole is totally possible when you turn to jiu-jitsu. This is a martial art that will take your body and mind to a new level. You will gain more endurance, flexibility, and strength. Most of all, we hope you gain a community.
While training and facilities both play a big part in whether or not people keep training, the one factor that makes the biggest difference is the community. You need to feel accepted, welcomed, and supported. At Infinity Martial Fitness, we are proud to provide a community of great people who just want to get better every time they practice. We look forward to meeting you in our Lebanon jiu-jitsu classes soon!